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Join the PTA


Riverside Drive Charter School is a STArt (Science, Technology, and Art) Charter. The PTA strives to enhance the educational experience of all students and build a supportive community at our school. We're the sole provider of funding for the Theater Arts, EnrichLA School Garden and Physical Education enrichment programs. And, PTA coordinates community building activities & fundraiser events to make our school exceptional. All of our students benefit from parents who get involved! 

 What We Do

Family Dine-Out Nights
Spooky Movie Night
Teacher and Staff Appreciation
Kinder Playdate
Ice Truck Social
Fundraising for all Enrichment Programs:
Theater Arts Program
Enrich LA Gardening Program
Physical Education Program
 Silent Auction
Spring Fair
Run the PTA Website & Social Media
Teacher Grants

PTA is a Verb

PTA is no longer a noun. It's a verb - an action plan working to support your child's success. It is an invitation to every family in every school to participate because we can do more together than apart. There's no wrong way to PTA. You can give money by joining and donating. You can volunteer time and effort. Or you can help grow our presence at the local, state, or national level as an advocate for improving your child's education.  



Member Perks

As a member of California State PTA, you advocate for children, promote parent and family involvement in schools, and improve the lives of all children and families. There are a few extra perks of membership available exclusively to PTA members like you! For more information visit


Join the PTA




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